Isspellinrange : /run local w,u,a=hozhdenie po vode,unitbuff for i=1,getnumgroupmembers() do i=raid.i if isspellinrange(w,i)==1 then a=0 for b=1,40 do if u(i,b) and u(i,b)==w then a=1 break end end if a==0 then bf:setattribute.
Original Resolution: 471x182 px
Always Be Casting Tone 1 Wago Io - A bit of work was done to fix some formatting errors in the guide, and a couple of typos were cleaned up.
Original Resolution: 886x133 px
Release Beta Pqrotation An Automated Ability Priority Queue Page 694 - /script if not unitexists(target) then te=0;
Original Resolution: 200x200 px
Weakauras Online Presance S Shadowpriest Rotation Weakaura - You basically have two options to determine whether a unit is in range.
Original Resolution: 1920x452 px
Healbot Continued Unit Mods World Of Warcraft Addons - If inrange == nil then local myindex = nil;
Original Resolution: 3440x1440 px
Slimui Graphical Compilations World Of Warcraft Addons - Inrange = isspellinrange(spellid, spelltype, unit) inrange = isspellinrange(spellname, unit).
Original Resolution: 420x420 px
Fhlight Jpparse Lua At Master Htordeux Fhlight Github - /script if not unitexists(target) then te=0;
Original Resolution: 1920x1080 px
Nameplate Energy Gcd Melee Range Wago Io - Or at least, is it possible to make another custom trigger mornitoring enemy numbers within 14 yard range by using lua isspellinrange or addon librangecheck 2.0?
Original Resolution: 1278x720 px
Slimui Graphical Compilations World Of Warcraft Addons - Hi, can anybody help me with this aura for some reason i cant get it work.
Original Resolution: 209x143 px
Crange Discontinued And Outdated Mods World Of Warcraft Addons - Inrange = isspellinrange(spellid, spelltype, unit) inrange = isspellinrange(spellname, unit).
Original Resolution: 1920x1200 px
Healbot Continued Unit Mods World Of Warcraft Addons - Function() if(isspellinrange(abilitynamehere, target) == 1) then return true else return false end end.
Original Resolution: 256x256 px
Range Macro Wowmacros - /script if not unitexists(target) then te=0;
Original Resolution: 897x904 px
Knurren Zauber World Of Warcraft - Function()n if(isspellinrange(chaos strike, playertarget) == 0) thenn return falsen elsen return truen endnendnnnn.
Original Resolution: 1920x1200 px
Skaarj Ui Minimalistic Compilations World Of Warcraft Addons - /run if unithealth(target)/unithealthmax(target)<0.35 and not unitbuff.
Original Resolution: 368x337 px
Schurkenhandel Zauber World Of Warcraft - (spellid, spelltype, unit) or (spellname, unit).
Original Resolution: 333x293 px
Readyspells Discontinued And Outdated Mods World Of Warcraft Addons - If inrange == nil then local myindex = nil;
Original Resolution: 640x427 px
Libspellrange 1 0 Dlya Wow Legion 7 3 2 Skachat Addony Dlya Wow Legion 7 3 2 Wotlk 3 3 5a - A bit of work was done to fix some formatting errors in the guide, and a couple of typos were cleaned up.
Original Resolution: 1920x1080 px
Mage Range Checker Wago Io - Hi, can anybody help me with this aura for some reason i cant get it work.
Original Resolution: 150x150 px
88 Lua Error Issues Pallypower Addons Projects Curseforge - .for the spell (or you have no target selected) local inrange = isspellinrange(.
Original Resolution: 1920x1080 px
Slimui Graphical Compilations World Of Warcraft Addons - Inrange = isspellinrange(spellid, spelltype, unit) inrange = isspellinrange(spellname, unit).